Jan 15 - 26, 2018

Diocese of Lubbock

In the Footsteps of Jesus:  A Pilgrimage to the Holy Landi


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See “Event Announcement” below for more extensive event description and registration information.

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You are invited to join a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Father Tim Clark, pastor of Our Lady of the Lake parish in Seattle. 

 The Holy Land is often referred to as the 5th Gospel, a place where the people, places and events of the Bible come to life.  We will be traveling during a beautiful time of the year in the Holy Land, just after the Jewish holidays and at a time when the harvest is rich and people are in a festive mood.  Our program balances archaeological visits, religious visits and opportunities to learn more about the rich cultural life of local people – enjoying their hospitality, food and art.    We will celebrate Mass each day at sites where Jesus and his early disciples gathered and/or where pilgrims have gathered over the centuries.  This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to walk in the footsteps of Jesus along the shores of Galilee and through the historical streets of Jerusalem. Father Tim will share with us his own knowledge of the Holy Land and help us connect with the events and stories of the Gospels.  Come join us!

Human history is rich with tales of globe trekkers who have gained valuable insight about themselves and the world around them through the discovery and exploration of cultures outside their own. People who travel the globe begin a lifelong journey of worldly citizenship.

The experience of traveling together to places of great historical, religious and cultural significance is deeply transformative. Explore some of the experiences of our travelers through their words.




Event Registration Form


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Program Change Request Form


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Tips for Travelers

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